Pre-Operation Instructions

Operation for:

Correction of Bunions/Metarsalgia

Minimal evasive percutanea technique

Dear Madam, Dear Sir,

You have agreed to undergo an operation to correct a Bunion. The techniques that our anistigiologists and surgeons utilize have very few side effects.

It is important to know the following:

If you take regularly take medication for hypertension, heart disease, diabetes, gastrointestinal illnesses, endocrine or metabolic disorders bring them with you.

If you take and anticolagulent (eg. Sintrom or Cumadin) consult your doctor to verify the possibility of reducing the dosage or temporally substituting it with another drug for such treatment (eg. EBPM)

If you take an antiaggreganti (e.g. CARDIOASPIRINA o TIKLID) you may continue taking it.

If you have any doubts and if you use other drugs talk to the doctor in charge of your case. At which time you can ask for a short clinical report regarding the state of your health.

If you suffer from allergies to antibiotics or other drugs you can you can request a short clinical report regarding the state of your health.

In any case you are free to consult the anastigiologists

Dr Antognini Luca 3384629755
Dr Ceccaroni Francesca 3288054585
Dr Cheida Adel 3475187166
Dr Eusebi Georgia 3381930500
Dr Toni Gianfranco 337793510/3475600487

Remember to bring with you to the admission to the hospital the following:



Report from your treating physician / Hospital admission papers

HealthCare document

Identity card